Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Five More Advantages of Rent to Own

A week ago I wrote about five great advantages of the Rent to Own method of buying real estate.

Here are five more good reasons to consider this option when searching for a new home:

6. Time to Check out the House: When you Rent to Own, you have time to live in the home before making the full purchase commitment. This give's you time to find out all the pros and cons of the home before you buy. If you find things wrong with the home that you didn't see before moving in, you have the opportunity to resolve those issues, possibly by getting the owner to correct them, or by renegotiating a lower purchase price. If you find the home just isn't all you wanted it to be, you can simply stay in the home as a renter and/or find another home, without the full commitment of a purchase.

7. Time to Check out the Neighborhood: Just as above, when you Rent to Own a home, you'll have ample time to get to know the neighborhood, and the neighbors. The homes we offer for Rent to Own are typically in very nice neighborhoods, with good schools and friendly neighbors. By doing a Rent to Own on one of these homes, you'll have the opportunity to verify that for yourself before making the full purchase commitment.

8. Control: When you Rent to Own a home you control the property in the sense that, while you are renting, the home cannot be sold, except to you -- if you choose to buy. You are in control of the destiny of that home during the period of your Rent to Own contract!

9. Time to Obtain the Best Financing: While you are renting in a Rent to Own home, you have time to shop around for the best mortgage rates, the best terms, the best interest rate. We work with many different mortgage brokers, and while you are not obligated to work with any of them, we're happy to give you a list of professional mortgage brokers who can work with you to get the best deal.

10. Leverage: When you Rent to Own a home, you are typically putting down much less to purchase the home than in a conventional mortgage or purchase. The less money you put down toward a home, the more "leverage" you have. In other words, the more profit through appreciation you stand to make with the least amount of up-front cash at risk. In any investment situation, making more off less is preferable to making some off a lot of up-front cash.

We always have Rent to Own opportunities available. Visit our website to learn more: MyHappyHomeSolutions.com

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