Monday, June 13, 2016

Leaky Toilets Cost You Money!

According to the American Water Works Association (AWWA), toilets are responsible for approximately 27 percent of the water used in homes on a daily basis. The amount of water used by toilets is only increased when there is a leak. A leaking toilet tank can result in an incredible loss of water every minute it has not been stopped. 

It oftentimes goes undetected until a leak test has been conducted.

Toilet leaking results in a tremendous amount of water loss. Every day that a silent leak goes undetected can amount to as much as 300 gallons of water. That is three times the amount of water the average American uses in an entire day. When water is wasted, that easily translates to money spent on higher water bills. Depending on the size of the leak, it is possible to end up paying an extra $500.00 every year on water that was never used. Performing a leak test regularly allows you to take action before more water, and ultimately money, can be wasted.

Sometimes it is easy to tell that your toilet is leaking - you hear the sound of running water or a faint hissing or trickling. But many times, water flows through the tank silently, which is why these leaks are often overlooked.

How to check your toilet for Silent leaks

  1. Remove the toilet tank lid.
  2. Drop one dye tablet or 10 drops of food coloring into the tank. (Dye tablets are often available for free through local water providers).
  3. Put the lid back on. Do not flush.
  4. Wait at least 10-15 minutes, and then look in the bowl. If you see colored water, you have a leak. If not, you don't.
Here are some helpful videos that show you how to check for leaks and how to fix the problem if you do have a leaky toilet.

How Water Smart Are You?

Take a room-by-room tour of our water house and find a variety of indoor and outdoor water conservation tips that will help you save water, time and money.

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